Spring Home Décor Ideas
The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and Spring is in the air! When we think of Spring, we think of brighter colors, fresh scents, and a crisp clean look. The thoughts of longer days, sunshine, and finally being able to let some fresh air in have us ready to pack away our winter decor. Spring is the season of new beginnings, so it is time to refresh and welcome Spring into your home!
Here are five Spring home decor ideas to give your home a new, fresh feel.
1. Throw Pillows.
Throw pillows are a great and easy way to change out your decor and make an impact on the aesthetics. Changing from darker winter colors to brighter tones or neutrals is the perfect touch your home needs. Most of the time you can just replace the covers instead of having to buy all new pillows to save on storage space and cost.
2. Fresh Flowers.
When the thought of Spring comes to mind, fresh flowers are definitely on the top of the list. Planting flowers or adding hanging baskets outdoors is a great way to spruce up the outside of your home and give that gloomy winter yard the color it needs. Adding vases with fresh flowers in your home is a way to instantly boost the Spring feel. You can opt for bright colors or stick with white, depending on your preference.
3. Add Some Citrus.
A bowl of lemons or oranges added to your kitchen counter or dining room table is the perfect way to add a pop of color to your decor. Also, the smell of citrus when you walk through the door will put you in the Spring mood. To intensify the aroma, you can light candles or add a few essential oil drops into a warmer.
4. Porch Decor.
Adding color to your porch is not only a cheery welcome for you, but it can brighten the mood of those passing by. Adding real (or fake) greenery is the perfect place to start. A Springy wreath or some potted plants near the door are also great options that won’t break the bank.
5. Clean and Declutter.
Sometimes the thing your home decor needs the most is to just be cleaned out. If you feel like your shelves or counter space are becoming a bit crowded, get to decluttering. Start by clearing everything off and giving it a good wipe down. Then you can slowly play around with placing the decor. If any of it isn’t “sparking joy” donate or simply pack it away and liven up your space with fresh items.
These are just a few easy ways to bring joy into your home this Spring. Remember that everyone’s home decor style is different and your home should be a reflection of who you are. What are some of your favorite Springtime ideas to freshen up your living space?
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