Quick Tips To Make Your Home More Peaceful
With the daily stressors in life, it is so important to have your home be a place you can feel at peace at the end of the day. Whether it is work, school, kids, or world events, you need your home to be a sanctuary away from it all. If lately, you are feeling that your home is adding to the chaos instead of being a de-stressor, here are five suggestions to help get it back to that beautiful peaceful place it needs to be.
- Minimize.
We find the biggest contributor to stress in a home is clutter! This is a continual thing that must be addressed every so often because things have a way of multiplying. The best feeling is purging room by room and donating or throwing out items that are not needed anymore. Take a page out of Marie Kondo, if an item does not spark your joy it is time to let it go. Fewer items also mean that a home is easier to help clean, which is a bonus when it comes to de-stressing.
- Add Some Plants.
Plants have a way of bringing a sense of calmness and peace to a space. Even some realistic-looking fake plants work if you are not someone that can or wants to keep real ones alive. But, if you can, we highly suggest getting real plants as they bring a sense of life into a home. Also, the process of watering a plant and taking care of it can have a calming effect.
- Play Music.
Music is a key element to a peaceful home, no matter what your go-to genre may be. Music is good for the brain and the soul, so find that genre that calms you and makes a good playlist! Whether you want it playing quietly in the background or need to blast it while you lay on the couch and relax, there is not a “wrong” way to add peace through music.
- Create A Peaceful Space.
Maybe your entire house can not be a sanctuary (especially if you still have little ones at home), but you could create a peaceful space within your home. Having somewhere where you can be at ease is so important for our mental health. Whether it is a whole room, like your bedroom or office, or just a spot in your house, like a special chair or the bathtub, everyone needs that one area to be a go to for relaxation and peace.
- Add A Calming Scent.
The flicker of a candle burning is a great way to add a little peace to your home. Find a scent that works for you, we suggest lavender or chamomile. Adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a diffuser or wax melts to a warmer are also great ways to keep that calming scent flowing through your home.
There is no better feeling than coming home. Keep your home that place you long for with these tips. Remember everyone is different so one person’s idea of peace may be another person’s chaos, there is no wrong way to bring peace into your home, just find what works for you.
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