The moving process seems to never end…even after you close. The to-do lists bounce around in your head day and night, and some days it feels as though you’ll never finish. While most homebuyers fill their days with unpacking and decorating, it’s important that you don’t forget the more mundane, but highly important tasks. Be sure to make these changes before you get settled into your new home.
1. Change the Locks
Change the locks in your new home—or at least have them re-keyed. You don’t know who has had access to the keys to your home over the years and possibly made a copy. So for safety and peace of mind, have your locks changed.
2. Change alarm batteries
Making sure your fire and carbon monoxide detectors have fresh batteries is essential to the overall safety of your home. This issue often goes ignored and then forgotten. So better to deal with it now, then pay for it later on down the road.
3. Find the circuit breaker
Finding the circuit breaker is one of the first things that should be attended to. During a move you’re plugging all sorts of electrical items into the wall. In case something goes wrong, you’ll want to know exactly where the circuit breaker is. Later on, when you have more time, familiarize yourself with each switch. If the switches aren’t clearly marked, test each one and properly label them.
4. Plan your emergency exits
This is extremely important, especially for families with small children who are unfamiliar with their new home. Walk through every room and decide how you would escape in an emergency. This way you can also spot problem areas or rooms that need some adjustments.
5. Review your home inspector report
Be sure to thoroughly review your home inspector report (often filed with the escrow papers) before settling into your new home. A good home inspector will outline the most important issues in their report, so use their expertise as a guide. If they’ve marked anything as urgent or pressing, make sure to handle it before moving in.
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