What is Prop 60/90?
They are constitutional initiatives passed by California Voters. They provide tax relief by preventing reassessment when a senior citizen (at least 55 years of age) sells his/her existing residence and purchases or constructs a replacement residence worth the same or less than the original.
Prop 60 applies when the replacement dwelling is in the same county as the existing dwelling. Prop 90 allows qualified persons to transfer the current assessed base-year value of their dwelling located in one California county to a replacement residence located in another participating California county.
Why Were Prop 60 & Prop 90 Enacted?
Prop 60/90 encourages people, age 55 or older to “move down” to a smaller residence. When a senior citizen acquires a replacement property worth less than the original property, he/she will continue to pay approximately the same amount of annual property taxes as before.
How Do They Work?
When the senior citizen purchases or constructs a new residence, it is not reassessed, if he/she qualifies. The Assessor transfers the factored base value of the original residence to the replacement residence. Proposition 60 originally required that the replacement and the original be located in the same county. Later, Proposition 90 enabled this to be modified by local ordinance. Los Angeles County enacted an ordinance to provide that when the replacement is located in Los Angeles County, the original property may be located in any other California county.
Proposition 60 and Proposition 90 Eligibility Requirements
• The seller of the original residence, or spouse who resides with the seller, must be at least 55 years of age at the time of the sale AND:
• The replacement home must be of equal or less value than the home sold, AND…
• The replacement home must be either in the same county or another participating county.
When are These Propositions Effective?
The replacement residence must have been purchased or constructed on or after November 5, 1986 if the original was located in Los Angeles County. The replacement residence must have been purchased or constructed on or after November 9, 1988 if the original was located in any other California county. Claims must be filed within three years following the purchase of the replacement residence.
What Counties Participate?
Currently Alameda, El Dorado, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Ventura counties. However, participation is subject to change and should be verified with the local county assessor’s office.
Where are claim forms available?
They are distributed at the Assessor’s public counters and in regional offices. If you need additional information, call (714) 834-2727.
Always consult with a specialist before making a decision!
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(949) 370-0819
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